I stumbled across the idea of a now page on Hacker News recently and thought it was a great idea. So here’s my version of it.

Updated: 22/05/2024

I’m currently working at Skyral as a Senior Software Engineer. I mostly write Golang, with lots of Kubernetes and cloud stuff, too. It’s a fascinating job, the people are amazing and the work is challenging in all the right ways. Super interesting stuff.

I recently completed a MSc in computer science, and I’m waiting to hear back as to whether or not I passed the final module to get the full MSc (I’m not holding my breath…).

In terms of my outside of work life, I’m currently engaged and I’ve just bought my first house! So, all the adulting stuff is happening.

I’ve also been on quite a long-journey/comeback from some mental health issues/severe burnout (I found out it’s a real thing a while back), and trying to build back all the good habits and routines I used to do. Such as getting back into running, starting small with regular walks at the moment and building up to running again.

I recently simplified my life a lot, cutting out external/contract work, focusing on work life balance, and using my time outside of work more wisely.

I’m also using my new found time to write and record more music. I’m also hoping to start using this blog a little more often, too. So stick around!